Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 31 - The Pups' To-Do List

Frequent visitor and commenter doodlebug sent in this list of things they need to before lunch. Well done!

Lucas Jackson
My List of Things to do Today Before Lunch.
1.) Mosey up to the Milk Bar for a bite (or two)
2.) Turn myself into a barnacle
3.) Sleep (so tie- tie)
4.) Whine, grunt and maybe a grrr (I have to pace myself)
5.) Bite Mackenzie
6.) Grunt & Whine
7.) Sleep
8.) Lunchtime!!!!!

My List of Things to do Today Before Lunch.
1.) Whine
2.) Eat my nummies like a good girl.
3.) Sleep
4.) Back to back whine session
5.) Bite Lucas Jackson
6.) Whine like I’m in excruciating pain
7.) Find mommy’s ear and hide
8.) Play peek-a-boo again with mommy’s ear using my stealth maneuvering
that’s always fun.
9.) Did someone say lunch?

My List of Things to do Today Before Lunch.
1.) Check out the Pina’ Colada Bar
2.) Chill
3.) Sleep
4.) Learn words to Margarittaville (no hurry)
5.) Is it lunch? Yawnnn

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Cool beanz! Thanks abunch. I'm still trying to figure out when they could get in & out by themselves.
