Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 60 Afternoon Update

Took Mindy & Schuyler out for a walk when I got home, then took the pool/bed out and steamed-cleaned the pen. Replaced the old newspaper with fresh stock and got her settled in. If anyone was watching today about 10:50am you would have sworn she was going to deliver then.

The wife and I both have colds and sore throats. Those who know me know about my headaches, and they have really ramped up due to the cold. I've made arrangements to be off tomorrow (my substitute teacher has already been notified), so that means I'll be around in case Mindy does not deliver tonight, but I'm worried about spreading germs.

Does anyone know if human colds have an effect on a mama dog and her offspring during the whelping? I'll be washing my hands frequently and using hand sanitizer, but I'm still concerned.

Also, some have posted that they cannot see the video feed here on the blog. Try going to the raw video feed and see if that works. If it doesn't work, make sure you have Adobe Flash Player installed then restart your browser. If that still doesn't work, go to Adobe's Flash Player Troubleshooting Page. And if you're trying to watch at work or school, Flash Player may be disabled at that location. Talk to your IT guru and see if she/he can help you.


  1. Not sure how accurate of an opinion this is, but here's some info about people/puppies and colds:

  2. Still nothing happening...just try to keep everything clean for her ...I have had many dogs that have had pups and just made sure they had clean dry sheets or blankets to give birth on and towels for cleaning up the mess. I never put down paper. I'll keep an eye on her on and off tonight and here's hoping we see puppies soon. :)

  3. @Renee - thanks for the info on that link. BTW, are you THE Renee J. that we all know and love?

  4. I'm Renee P. - from hburgnews (and I comment on Jeremy's thefriendlycity blog)


  5. Aw, Mindy & Schuyler look so cute laying together! You like short-legged dogs, huh?

  6. @Renee - Whaddaya mean short legged? All eight of them are long enough to reach the ground.....

  7. Been watching on and off all afternoon will check back later Hope you 2 get feeling better nothing worse than having a cold

  8. @Crash16 - Thanks (cough, hack, wheeze)

  9. Sorry to hear about the colds... not fun! Poor Mindy... maybe a back rub would help??

  10. Hey Mr A.
    its ur best student
    this is neat
    how is she

  11. I Love the cam. How cool!! Technology is wonderful!! Just a comment though - are you sure you want the newspapers in there like that? I've seen it placed out flat under towels to help absorb some of the mess you will have later. I would think an old bedspread would be more comfortable to Mindy, unless she normally has wadded up newspapers in her bed. She seems to be trying to avoid laying on the paper to me, opting to lay on the fabric you have for her. Bless her heart -- she's a beautiful dog... thanks for putting up the camera for all to enjoy. God Bless you and hope you feel better soon!!
